Kind of a funny story behind this little guy . I'm on my way to see the dentist today and last night thought I would like to make him some thing special for him because he really is an awesome dentist ....(Centennial Lakes Dental Clinic...Luke Eichmeyer DDS ) . They have an awesome machine there if you need a cap/crown that allows them to cut and fit it without the normal two week wait .
Anywhoooo.....I had planned on making something for his office that would appeal to kids, a cute little cheshire cat kind of thing that had a toothbrush in one paw and a sign about brushing your teeth . I didn't have a special animal in mind, just sort of an abstract animal shape showing it's pearly whites . 6 hours later, what should emerge but "Grin Lynn"...teeth are very clean but I'm afraid it would give the kids nightmares...spooky critter .
So looks like the dentist will have to wait until I can create something a bit less scary . Maybe without such large teeth that look like they are about to sink into your neck ?
He is a little scarey, but I'll bet older kids would love him.