This little wolf was a collaborative effort with my boyfriend's son, Max . He has been asking me to show him how to needle felt and we finally had some time . I'm afraid I began the body to long and once Max had felted it very solid...realized the wolf was in need of some major surgery . I once thought you couldn't "take away" from felt but after cutting my first felted spirals from felted log...found that felt can be carved . That was a lesson worth learning .
We were trying to get this guy done in less then my usual 16 hours, so I think I was rushing my own process, which I don't like . However, Ma gave me an extension and I got to take my time finishing some of the detailing after he made the main section . The whole thing ways a bit less then a pound and is very solidly felted except for the tail which I rooted hair into a needle felt rope to keep it fluffy...but this also makes it more fragile...no brushing !

I still would like to add some eye lashes and paw pads but this guy is almost done and on the way to Max's girlfriend . Hope she likes him as I have become rather attached .

Ariel view of my friendly sea monster . His wings and part of his tail are my first attempts to add wet felting to my sculptures and I think the process will be helpful in making thinner appendages on my sculptures . Ears, fins, wings have always been a challenge for me to needle felt .

The above picture is me learning something new to do in Picasso..(I love Picasso and it's free !)
Evidently, you can easily add text to your photos....(why am I always the last person to know this stuff ) .

This has been a several day process and I still have to add details to the feet and am playing around with different ideas for the teeth . I have some white glass beads that are teeth like and if that doesn't work...it's back to needle felting but I will definitely be making some white wet felted material to use for teeth in the near future . I think this is the first sculpture I have tried with an open mouth and I want to play around with this a bit more .

This bright bit of wet felting is a base of Merino and Tencel with splashes of silk noils(?)
and mohair . I have to say, I'm not having a lot of success in getting either of these additions to completely felt inspite of all my rolling . Not sure what I will use this for but I did begin wet felting to make clothing for my dolls, so think this might be the perfect skirt for some lucky fairy.

This isn't a very clear close-up of my next wet felting but I really like how the texture looks like an aerial view of some land scape . The texture seems to be enhanced by adding some finely spread silk bells over the merino . I made a mess trying to work with the silk bells but love the effect .

This top scarf,( laying on top of the back side of the bright blue piece (which is purple and blue on the reverse side) ...was actually a failure that I like better then some of my intentional pieces . I began it by laying thin and thick roving onto a Paj Silk scarf . I was trying to make something for a friend who doesn't like the texture of chiffon which is the only thing I have used for nuno felting so far . I knew it would be more of a challenge because the weave is tighter but after an hour of rolling, there was hardly any wool fibers migrating through so I peeled it off and continued felting . The result is a very translucent piece with a few small holes . I think it looks really organic but is probably to fragile for daily wear . Another technique to experiment with .
Happy winter solstice to all and to all a good night .