Thursday, February 11, 2010

A week of viruses and mutants

Not only have I felt sick all week, but my computer appears to have picked up some sort of bug . I'm thinking it may have come in through an email that was supposedly from Facebook...(which I rarely visit), that had a suspicious attachment that I did not open . Perhaps just reading the email was enough to infect me ? I have also had an increase in spam in both my email and Blog comments section from some Asian porn sites....yuck . I will try and deleate them, now that I am at least temporarily back on-line .

Inspite of this.....(why doesn't spell check recognise "inspite" of as a word ?)...I did manage to do a little felting . Above is another bunny that is very solid Shetland wool blended batt with just about every fiber you can think of....Alpaca, firestar, silk, ect . I had hoped to finish it today before losing the light but, the ears took about 4 hours .

This is the whole crew for the week and doesn't include one of my few....just can't save him.....sculptures . I worked on a small rodent for several nights and could just not get the face right . The rodent here, turned out more bat faced then mouse faced, so I may have to add some leather wings .
The hands, feet and eyes are all an experiment with Femo and 6000 glue that I don't know if I ever want to try again . Perhaps they would have looked better if I had some Femo that wasn't black ? but it was the glueing that I hated...toxic and a pain to use . The fiber feet may not look as detailed but they sure smell better .
I'm not sure what type of reptile I was trying to make usual, I just started felting and let the wool take me where it wanted to go . Maybe some day I will be able to tame it , but for now, it seems that I just have to follow where the fiber takes me .
I also managed to nuno felt two new Chiffon fabrics but there was not enough light to show the detail on them, so hope to get better pics. tomorrow.....if I can get on-line again . If not.....might have to go do some laptop shopping and put off fixing my car and teeth for another few months .

Happy felting !


  1. love your needle felted creatures!!! they have a very realistic look. Nice to have you as a follower on my blogspot. I'm searching for a way to have a translation in english when i post something on it; but so far the comments are only in dutch.
    I've always been into working with wool since my teenage years (spinning and natural dying; trying out wool from different breeds...) But felting has come into my live only since about a year... I have become a complete addict to it.

  2. Thanks for visiting and the positive comments .

    If I can find the link to the translation problem....( several of the felters I follow are from other countries..), I will try and send you a link but I don't know how to translate my responses on your page....DO you read English....(you certainly write it great .)

    Anyway, I'm assuming you can read English and your felting work is great....I was happy to find your blog...(When I'm not felting, I'm reading blogs about felting )

    Happy fiber fun !



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