My apologies to anyone wanting to leave a comment . In my attempts to block the darn
asian porn spam that has infiltrated the comments section, I
accidentally removed comments all together , I "think" I have changed the settings now, so please leave any questions, advice or other comments to let me know I am not alone in the blog universe .
I honestly do not intend for my animals to look depressed, angry or cranky, but most of them seem to end up with that expression . Rather telling that this also happens to be the facial expression that people often accused me of having when I thought I was being relaxed, friendly or even happy . Yet people were always asking me if I was sad, angry or tired . I still have no idea what they were reading in my expression . So, I think besides our not reading non-verbal expression, we are also often
misunderstood as we are giving out communications that we are not feeling or
intending . It's as if I new a few words of Spanish but not what they actually meant and instead of saying "
Thank you for the delicious chicken soup" ended up saying......"
the chicken is swimming in the soup" to some very confused Spanish speakers .
According to what I have read about
Aspergers and Autism.... "we" do not read non-verbal communication naturally but can learn some over time with practice and experience . I think that is one of the reasons that watching movies, TV and being involved in drama classes can be useful for
Aspies . (I also suspect it is one reason that many
aspies like comics, video games and
anima where the "feelings" of the
characters are so
exaggerated that they are easy to read) .
Point being...although I think my animals have some very negative expressions, I am not sure what others see or if they find them cute or disturbing . After 47 years of observing and cataloging human expression, I would think I could read it by now but am still never sure of what my own face is saying to others .
Below are some of my attempts to experiment with felting "simple patterns" using roving instead of
prefelt which is very
expensive but much easier to control . These are mostly merino with a bit of merino silk blend which is
one of my favorite combinations . Although they look
scarfy, they are a bit thick for scarves and will probably be cut up to sew bags, glass and
camera cases . I still have not
managed to make a pure wool scarf using wet felting that doesn't end up to stiff and thick . I
shan't<----(is that a real word?) give up .
Also above, I still trying to make balls for dogs that are harder and less likely to be chewed up . I start the same way as always....needle felting balls but then throw them in the washer and drier to harden them . I think the nice thing about these is they can easily be washed in dishwasher or washing machine to get off the doggy slime but I am still concerned that the dogs may want to eat them as they can still smell the "animal" smell of the wool . Even my cats can smell this which they seem to love, but dogs have even more sensitive noses and I don't want a dog to try and eat them and end up choking or messing up there
digestive systems . I think they would be fine with smaller dogs but even they should be watched to make sure they don't try and eat these .
Below is a close up of another
nuno scarf using silk gauze and merino silk blend roving . These are super soft and I love the texture but I still need to work on my color selections as some of them ended up more garish then earthy .
Happy felting !