Saturday, October 29, 2011

Standing and sitting Yeti and a couple more do-over felts

 Here's my latest large Yeti with corn fiber felted in as fur . I still need to do a few small touch ups that I didn't notice until I took the nice thing about checking results with photos is that I seem to find the flaws easier then looking at the 3D in front of me .....weird but true .

 Below looks like a Yeti had a baby with a hamster ?

 The last three are felties from my first year of felting that I needed to "do-over" . I think it takes almost as long to try and repair an animal as it does to just start from scratch but I really hate to just throw away something with out at least trying to fix it . None of this critters would be on my personal favorite list but perhaps they can be sold at discount and still find homes .

Happy felting .

1 comment:

  1. Zazdroszczę czasu na te nowości. Są piękne. Ja ostatnie stworki poczyniłam półtora roku temu.



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