Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Learning by failing...

 I finally finished my moving leg critter...(the big guy on the right ). I'm glad I didn't bother doing a tutorial as the legs move but he is to wobbly to stand and looks better sitting . Still, as Einstein said, (sort of), "It's not a bad experiment if it shows you what not to do next time" and gives you some clues about what part worked and what didn't . So, not giving up but will need to hit Menards to look for more hardware options . I did fall in love with the white mohair I got from World of Wool . It is incredibly soft and I will need to get some more soon to use m new dyes on . Spring is here, right ?
 The little guy on his lap is made for a friend and I'm naming him Mike .
I may not be felting as much if the weather truly stays nice this weekend . I really need to get out and smell some dirt, plant some seeds and pick through some rocks . I've got spring fever pretty bad this year and may even try and fix my bike tires .

Happy spring and Happy felting !

1 comment:

  1. Nie wiem, którą pięknotą bardziej się zachywać, tą żywą czy spod Twoich rąk.
    Szklane oczy cudowne.
