Monday, January 14, 2013

New Felt critters and a bit of bling from Top Hatter

Above are my latest critters with my new home-made glass eyes...........

They are glass half rounds that I ordered from Alibaba  and painted the back with some nail enamal...I need to find a better paint as this stuff is toxic and gave me a headache . Since the paint is not exposed but facing down it doesn't really need to be this hard-core but I do love the sparkle of the nail polish . I may play around with some water based varnish mixed with dye and glitter to see what I can come up with .

Above are 3 animals I felted last year and just got around to doing reverse felting to make them fuzzy . It doesn't make them look much better in a photo but it's a world of difference to touch and to see close-up . (The large chicken egg is for size reference)

I also bought some name tags for my critters and some stamps to make them name tags but....they are such solid metal the stamps barely make a dent and is super noisy . I will keep working on it but need to remember to wear earplugs next try .

I have taken some time off from felting do to some shoulder/back pain . Needle felting can be harder on your body then it might look, especially the large animals I do . During that break, I decided to make some gifts for my family for Christmas and in spite of my vow to not buy more beads since I hate beading...I stumbled on a new obsession ......TopHatter . It's an on line auction site that is in a virtual reality . I plan on doing an article about them soon but for is a small part of the loot I have scored in the past few months..........

Some of it has already been sent in the form of trinkets to my family but you can see the "extra bits" that I still have for future projects . Most is planned for items to make and sell but the fake fur Lynx coat which is barely visible  on the edge of picture and the computer Tablet which is a cheap little China knock off...are Christmas presents to me from money given from my brother and mother in law . So thanks for the gifts....I love them !!!

Tophatter is very addictive and very dangerous for people who don't have a lot of money but like sparkly things . Stay away from electronics and read descriptions VERY carefully before bidding . I will give a better report later but taataa for now .


  1. Hi there! I called over the other day after you commented on my blog, but didn't have time to really look around. I see what you mean about your layout. Perhaps just try choosing another template? Your 'critters' are amazing! I am a secret crafter, I love doing it but often don't have the time (perhaps if I spent less on blogger and facebook?????). I've never seen anything like these though. They are gorgeous! And the way you've done the eyes is brilliant too.

  2. Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting . I get so few comments that I rarely bother to post any more except to keep track of animals I've finished to watch my own ups and downs . With the new blogger "look" I will probably post even less as I hate the way it looks . I may eventually look about for new template but have to admit I'd rather be making animals then spend to much time on the computer...(except to play Angry Birds on my tablet ) . Anyway, just wanted to thank you for responding : )
